Check the Label

Check your label.

This is one of the easiest things to do but yet very few Americans care where their clothing is made. It is estimated that 97% of all cotton grown in the United States is shipped overseas for clothing manufacturing. A lot of that clothing comes right back here. That beautiful American grown cotton that was cultivated by a hardworking, God fearing, American father of 3. It has now been tainted by the overseas manufacturing process. It could have gone through a sweatshop; it could have been sewn by a child forced to work by human trafficking. The money it made could be used to fund terrorism. We just don’t know.

It frustrates me to see all the American Flag patriotic shirts that are made in Bangladesh, China, Honduras, etc. If you are wearing an American Flag on your shirt to show your patriotism, make sure that the shirt is actually Made in the USA.

We do know that clothing made in the US is produced with high ethical, environmental, and labor standards. The money stays in the country and supports American businesses and American families.

Show your values with your wallet and your watch.

Take the time to check the label before you purchase a piece of clothing. If it says, “Made in Bangladesh” or “Made in China” or “Made in Honduras”, don’t buy it. Spend a few extra minutes, and a few extra dollars (if necessary) to buy clothing that is Made in America. Support your American brothers and sisters that support their families by making the clothing that you wear.


How it started